Support the SSO
Your contribution fuels the creation of first-class concerts and music education, enriching our community with the transformative power of music.
Many ways to contribute
Donate OnlineWith the generous support of our valued donors, the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra provides Mainstage concerts, the Sudbury Symphony Music Conservatory, education programs and community events to the Sudbury area, enriching the lives of individuals of all ages.
Our online donation form provides the option to make a single donation, become a monthly donor, or donate securities.

Donate Securities
The SSO gratefully accepts donations of securities and mutual fundsGifts of securities are a huge benefit to the SSO, and can also help the donor significantly save on capital gains tax.
How it works: Donors initiate the transaction online through our CanadaHelps securities form, completing the online form and sending it to their broker or financial institution. CanadaHelps arranges the sale of the securities and transfers the proceeds to the SSO. If you have questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to contact

Become a corporate or community partner

The Value in Sponsoring your Sudbury Symphony Orchestra
The Value in Sponsoring your Sudbury Symphony Orchestra
SSO is based in the community, made up of professional and volunteer musicians, the vast majority of whom live in the Sudbury area. They are your friends, your neighbors, maybe even members of your family! The SSO represents the community with projects, compositions and collaborations that bring us all together in the pursuit of excellence in the arts and the expression of who we are.
Music education for young people enhances learning, intelligence, tolerance, and cultural understanding. The Sudbury Symphony Orchestra plays an important role in music education as it provides many outreach concerts to youth through schools, libraries and other local institutions.
The name of your group or company can be associated with the SSO in many ways:
- Digitally on our social media platforms
- In our electronic programs (These are available to the general public before, during, and after an SSO concert)
- As sponsoring a chair in the orchestra. For example, “The Northern Maple Bank Principal Trumpet Chair”. A special relationship can be built between the sponsor and the musician allowing special insight into the role of that musician in the orchestra.
- As a major concert sponsor, saying a few words from the stage or being recognized from the stage.
- Signage recognition and/or a live presence in the lobby
- We can supply a block of seats at a concert for your organization
- We can supply music at a corporate event
There are myriad possibilities of recognition or ways to be part of your community! Please reach out to us. Phone (705) 673-1280 or reach out to one of us at a concert.
Thank you to our Private Donors for their generous support
Conductor's Circle ($1000+)
Aaron Dent
Frank & Sally Lesk
David Macdonald & Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald
Ralf Meyer
Richard Paquette
Dieter & Marlies Schoenfeld
Gwyneth Storr
Concerto Club ($250-499)
Tom Kovala
Adria Kurchina-Tyson
Lucette Schneider
John & Christina VandeRydt
Brenda Viitasalo
Katherine Young
Prelude Society ($25-99)
Jennifer and Kent Cheesman, in honour of Carter Esau
Michelle Ferrigan
Raymond Francis
Kathleen Houlahan Chayer
Jeff MacIntyre
Philip Morehead
Judith F. Niesing
Tony & Kathleen Niro
Steve Reitzel
Melissa Schaak
Patricia Striewe
Concertmaster's Circle ($500-999)
Helen Ghent
Tanya Joukanen, in honour of Allan Bryce Joukanen
Charlotte Leonard
Carole Tessier
Overture Society ($100-249)
Kevin Ball
Molly Bass
Maer Brinkman
Dave Courtemanche
Chris Courtemanche
Joyce Dickson
Mary Donato
Carmel Girouard
Allison Gould
Peter Guenard
Diane Hamel Roch
Dunn Harding
Pierre Harrison
Steve Joncas
Maxine Kasper
Jarkko Ketola
Barb Koop
Diane Labelle
Monica Leao
Tim Lehman
Sue Lepage
Ronald Lewis
John Lindsay
Melissa Matthieu
Linda McCosham
Dave McGill
Joseph Meuleman
Lesley Mitchell
Faye Moffatt
Jennifer Moore
Maggie Niro
Barbara Parissenti
Sandra Parsons
Mary Ellen Pauli
Anne-Marie Perron-Jutras
John Purdon
Joanne Rhude
Paul Ricker
Colin Roos
Adrian Sabau
Elise Seelig
Ari Snyder
Duncan Stewart
Judi Straughan
Carol Vorwerk
Sylvie Wallis

Volunteering for the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra is a great way to support an organization that you believe in. Our artistic, education and outreach programs would not be possible without the generous support of individuals and corporations. There are many ways for you to play an essential role, each with their own experiences and rewards:
Administrative Support
Assistance in general office duties, from reception and telephone answering to mailing campaigns, archiving, and research, provides much needed support behind the scenes.
We often have musicians travel to Sudbury to perform with the orchestra. Opening your home to one or more of our musicians for a concert weekend can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
Bingo Volunteers
The Sudbury Symphony participates in fundraising bingo in partnership with Delta Bingo.
Concert Support
Our volunteers make our concerts possible! Our ushers, ticket sellers, stage crew and box office staff are all volunteers. If you are interested in participating backstage or lobby and seeing an immediate result in your work, assisting at our concerts is a great way to volunteer for the SSO.
Special Events
Assistance at annual fundraising events (such as our Gala Fundraiser) is a great way to get an up-close and intimate look at the many steps involved to make your SSO a success.
To learn more about any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact
Get involved as a volunteer today!
Top 6 reasons to Volunteer with the SSO1. A range of volunteer roles to suit different interests
2. Gain valuable skills and experience
3. Give back to your community
4. Hear incredible live music
5. Your talents and participation have an impact
6. A fun, social and artistic setting