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Sudbury Suzuki School

The Sudbury Suzuki School has been established within SSMC to focus on teaching children as early as 4 years old.

Shinichi Suzuki believed that “any child who is properly trained can develop musical ability just as all children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue.” This approach to learning is based upon a close relationship between the child, parent, and teacher.

In the Suzuki method, the parent is present at all classes and lessons and learns how to become the daily home teacher. The principles of the Suzuki method include daily listening, development of concentration and memory skills, learning to work with other students, parents, and teachers in group activities, and continual repetition, mastery, and refinement of techniques. The Suzuki approach allows students to build on successes and sustains a positive environment for growth musically as well as socially.

Every Child Can:

Every child can be educated. Every child can learn. The Suzuki method provides a nurturing learning environment for each child.

Begin early:

Like learning a language, learning begins at birth. The early years are crucial for developing mental processes and muscle coordination. Formal training may begin at age four or five, but it’s never too late to begin.

Mother-tongue approach:

Suzuki applies the basic principles of language acquisition to the learning of music. Children learn to speak a language after hearing it spoken repeatedly. Children learn music the same way by listening to music daily.

Positive Environment:

Each child learns at his/her own pace, appreciates each step, acknowledges effort, and is nurtured with honest and specific feedback.

Suzuki Triangle:

The student, parent, and teacher work together. The “practice parent” serves as the teacher at home.

Small Steps & Repetition:

Pieces in the Suzuki repertoire are designed with a logical progression to build skills through appropriate and achievable steps. Suzuki students learn how to practice well and build skills through constant repetition.

Learning with other Children:

In addition to private lessons, children participate in regular group ensemble classes and frequent performances where they learn and are motivated by each other.

Note Reading:

Like learning a language, students in the Suzuki method learn first by ear and then learn to read music.

Beth Ilana Schneider-Gould

Violin and Viola

Beth Ilana Schneider-Gould made her violin soloist debut at the age of 16 with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. She has performed throughout the Americas and Europe as a soloist, chamber musician and orchestra player and performs on 13 recordings, two receiving Grammy Contentions. Formerly an assistant violin professor at Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus, she currently teaches at Cambrian College and SSO Conservatory as a certified Suzuki and Mark O’Conner instructor.


Susan Urquhart


Susan Urquhart has been teaching violin and voice for twenty years. Susan is a Suzuki violin teacher with teacher training as well as an RCM certified elementary teacher. Susan students have gone on to win awards in the regional and provincial level. Susan’s performance background is many orchestras in Toronto and Eastern Ontario, such as The Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra, the Mississauga Symphony Orchestra, Queens University Symphony Orchestra, the Eastern Ontario Concert Orchestra and the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra.

Dr Matthew Gould


Dr. Matthew Gould (B.M. Peabody Conservatory, M.M. University of Arizona, and D.M.A. Arizona State University) is currently the Director of Guitar Studies at Cambrian College formerly at Eastern Mediterranean University, Arizona State University, University of Memphis, and Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix, Arizona. Artistic Director for Sudbury Guitar Society and a specialist teaching children.

As a performer, Dr. Gould concertizes internationally with Duo46, the Sudbury Guitar Trio, Strung Out Trio and B.A.M. playing music composed specifically for him. Performance highlights include concerts in Austria, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Turkey and throughout the United States with notable appearances at the Entrecuerdas Guitar Festival, Guitar Foundation of America Festival, Hermoupolis International Guitar Festival, Cortona Contemporary Music Festival, New York Guitar Seminar, and Soundscape Music Festival and is a featured performer on several recordings available worldwide.

Joshua Hubert


Josh Hubert has been involved with classical guitar for 15 years. He received both an Advanced Diploma from Cambrian College and a B.A. from Laurentian University with focus on classical guitar, additionally pursuing pedagogy studies with the Suzuki Association and undertaking research concerning guitar pedagogy in students affected by concussion/traumatic brain injury (TBI), ADHD and other forms of executive function impairment. He has taught in the past at Cambrian College and Jett Landry Music; he currently teaches students both privately and with the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra conservatory. He is an active member of the Sudbury Guitar Society.